Friends and Family

From today on I have decided to become very consumer friendly. With that I mean that my own blogging will be done i English. Most of my friends speak English even if some prefer Swedish or even Norwegian (2) Then there are the few and chosen that speak Pitebondska, the soon to be forgotten language from Norrbotten in Sweden. For you I will now and then add some word and their meaning in Swedish and English.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Our needs of fairy tales

In our cold, streamlined and well explained world where no frills, shadows och mystical corners or depths are allowed to exist, since all have to be open, explained and brought into full daylight, our hunger for happiness is escalating rapidly.

Today in our isolated cyber world where we communicate via cryptic letters and where mass medias information is threatening to choke us with the gory details from all over the world it is hard to keep our spirit clear and ready to guide us. With spirit I mean our subconscious mind or sixth sense that it sometimes is called as well. Our spirit, that was with us when we crawled around the first corner in our childhood and rode our first bike, drove our first car, flew our first airplane etc, is always seeking, always thirsty when curiously pushing us towards the unknown towards the other side that has been hidden for us. This spirit, that flows freely in our minds until our society start so educate us and teach us how to think, how to feel and even how to love and what is fun and joyful, whose important existence is becoming more and more wing clipped, as we race through time itself.

We as individuals seek the flock in order to function well. A flock for opinions, religion, physical exercise and enjoyments, always a flock. The more the merrier. But our technical development, that for the last 100 years have eagerly tried to keep us away from the flock, has by now almost succeeded in isolating us completely. For example, we cannot go anywhere without our phones, sophisticated or not, if by chance something would happen that we have to know about. We don't use it for talking anymore since speech takes time to produce we are trying to "think" our responses on our different electronic devises. All this isolates us more and more and we have by now replaced illnesses like pest, cholera, cancer and AIDS with Stress, depression and so called psychological issues.

Here is where our need for fairy tales comes to play. It can take us into our own time, past, present or future, since it is using one or several components that are familiar to us and thereby possible. An image, moving or not cannot reach our spirit only our already overflowing brains where it will leave its footprints until the waves of forgetfulness is sweeping them away or storing some of them. What kind of story are we looking for? Simple with simple words and short sentences or very complicated, to secure that only a secluded very affluent group of people can understand it? I don't think that any of these are relevant in this issue.I can only go to myself in order to come up with some kind of explanation.

When I first read the book "The never ending story" a very long time ago I got a jolt of energizing power all through my spirit. It took me to places that I had not been for 40 years and I remember how I smiled for no reason several days after finishing the book. It took my spirit by the hand and together we are travel led and are still traveling to the most unbelievable worlds, where I am enjoying myself like the first time my dad took me to a Merry Go Round. It spins faster and faster and I am shouting out load of happiness and thrills.

Since then I have been writing "sagor" as they are called in my native language Swedish. I put them in folders all over my desktop, I printed some and put them in a box and some I gave to people that wanted one and still do. I even put them on Bloggs and Facebook since someone wanted them there.

Conclusively I like to add, since I am not an artist that can express myself in images like painting or photography or computer creations, dance, music or create items that stimulates the spirit by sculpturing or similar, I am very happy that I found a way to "feed" the need of my spirit to keep on flourishing.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Svar til Bosse "varfor ar Amerikanarna besvikna pa president Obama"

Jag forstar att du ar nyfiken och jag ska gora mitt basta att forklara fenomenet. Allra forst behovs en generell snabblektion i den Amerikanska mentaliten. Vi gillar shower och faktum ar att ju mer det tjoas, hojtas och visslas ju battre ar showen. Inte for att vi hinner med allt som sags under showen men sa lange som vi kan bibehalla ett par generella ord kan vi halla den i minnet.
Obama drog massvis med publicitet under sin valkampanj med budskapet "Change". Han har ocksa samma formaga som tex Billy Graham hade nar det galler att trollbinda publiken. Han var en ung, intelligent, valkladd och "affluent" man och nar det galler politik ar glasstaket fortfarande tumstjockt. McCain var for gammal och Mrs Clinton var av fel kon. Det var givet att demokraterna skulle vinna valet.
Nar han sedan flyttade in till Vita huset och borjade forsoka samarbeta med kongressen och senaten stotte han pa samma gamla problem som de flesta presidenter fore honom har gjort. Washington ar en segsliten varld av sig sjalv och alla smapavar som sitter dar representerar just sina egna valdistrikt och deras allra framsta "concern" ar att bli omvalda, inte nodvandigtvis att enas for att den ena eller den andra lagandringen ska komma till stand. Lagger man sedan till lobbyisterna som till stor del bestar av gamla representanter fran kongress och andra institutioner som for en redig summa pengar anvander sitt inflytande for an den ena och an den andra saken, ar ekvationen fardig for analys.
"Change" var for en del valjare, allman sjukforsakring och for andra ett avslutande pa kriget i Irak. Ordet "Change" innebar ocksa nagot nytt och farligt for Washington och darfor borde det bordlaggas och sandas till kommiteer for begravning i analyser och utredningar. Att sedan de konservativa, som behovde nagot nytt att attrahera folk med, beslot sig for att "valsigna" the teaparty, en av manga foreteelser som financieras av foretag och privatpersoner som av en eller annan anledning inte anser att "gemene man" behover tas om hand via lagstiftning och liknande regeringsbeslut. Kom ihag att filosofien har i USA ar; Envar sin egen lyckas smed.
Om du sedan lagger till denna soppa, masssmedias oerhorda inverkan pa det amerikanska folket, far du en battre bild. Olika gallupundersokningar som forevisas av de olika TV nyhetsbolagen som forsoker trumma upp intresse for ett "mellanval" och beroende pa vilket foretag som gor undersokningen och vilket politiskt parti som favoriseras publiceras olika resultat. En historisk bild pa mellanvalen visar att valdeltagande ar circa halften av presidentvalen som oftast inte nar over 40% strecket av rostberattigade.
Folk i USA are inte alltfor intresserade av politik, deras intressen ar mera religion, sport och underhallning. Det ska otroligt mycket till for att de ska "ga man ur huse" och krava forandringar.
Nar jag foljer kommentarerna i den svenska pressen och svensk TV, i den man jag kan ladda ner de olika bidragen rorande Amerikansk inrikespolitik, skakar jag ofta pa huvudet. Rasfragan verkar vara den som oftast dras fram och skillnaden mellan fattig och rik ar den andra. Visst forstar jag att den journalistiska uppfattningen som uttrycks bestar av ett par USA resor och resten ett hopkok av personliga ideer som ibland baseras pa den Amerikanska utrikespolitiken och den egna politiska uppfattningen allt som naturligtvis ar en helt annan sak.
Bosse, som slutledning maste jag saga att den s.k. besvikelsen pa predident Obama ligger pa precis samma niva nu infor mellanvalet, som besvikelsen pa president Clinton och president GW Bush. Att de sedan maste anvandas som "posterboys" nar det galler att entusiasmera folk att ga och rosta faller sig naturligt.
Personligen tror jag att demokraterna kommer att forlora majoriteten och republikanerna kommer att fa lite mer mojligheter att bestamma an genom filibustertekniken som de har tvingats till under de senaste 4 aren. Nar jag hade bott i USA ungefar ett ar och pa ett party
borjade tala med en aldre man, fragade jag honom om just demokrater och republikaner som i mitt tycke representerade ganska precis samma sak, svarade han ungefar sa har; Vi har rad med fyra ar av demokrater for att de allra nodvandigaste soicala forbattningar maste ske, men sedan behover vi republikanerna for att business ska borja investera och profiten aterigen kan flyta. Det tog mig 25 ar att inse hur sant han hade.

A wonderful day of fall in Texas

  • I have to be considered a complete nutcase sitting inside and constructing a collective blog sites for all of my friends. It occurred to me that some of you have never been to Sweden and some of you have never been to Texas. To rectify that sad fact since I consider those two places be the ying and yang of my life I decided to upload some pics that I took 2008 with an actual camera, while I still used one.
  • Speaking of cameras, I find myself more and more lazy. Since my phone can take pics, not especially good ones and is always handy I have fallen a victim of using it not only f0r talking, but text-ing, SMS-ing, FB-reading, email-checking and recently picture-taking. Oh me oh my how we adjust during our lifetime.
  • When I was a little girl we did not even have a phone. We used the neighbors when we needed one and people called them and left messages. Party lines did not exist in Sweden as it did here in the states, and maybe still does. When using the phone one had to lift the receiver that hang on a pair of hooks on top of the black telephone box and then with the other hand start winding until the operator answered with "This is Visttrask" and then you told her the number or if you did not know it you just said who you wanted to talk to so she could connect you. Needless to say my town only had 500 households and only 1/3 of them had a telephone so it was not to hard for her to know who had what number. My neighbors number was 125, depending on the order when they got the phone hooked up. One of my friends had number 7 and I always was wondering who had number 1.
  • I wonder if anyone of my grandsons will make the same comparisons in about 60 years and what kind of devise they then will have.

Texas the rest of the year

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Sweden Midsummer 2008

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Friends and Family
From today on I have decided to become very consumer friendly. With that I mean that my own blogging will be done i English. Most of my friends speak English even if some prefer Swedish or even Norwegian (2) Then there are the few and chosen that speak Pitebondska and for them I will now and then