Friends and Family

From today on I have decided to become very consumer friendly. With that I mean that my own blogging will be done i English. Most of my friends speak English even if some prefer Swedish or even Norwegian (2) Then there are the few and chosen that speak Pitebondska, the soon to be forgotten language from Norrbotten in Sweden. For you I will now and then add some word and their meaning in Swedish and English.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A wonderful day of fall in Texas

  • I have to be considered a complete nutcase sitting inside and constructing a collective blog sites for all of my friends. It occurred to me that some of you have never been to Sweden and some of you have never been to Texas. To rectify that sad fact since I consider those two places be the ying and yang of my life I decided to upload some pics that I took 2008 with an actual camera, while I still used one.
  • Speaking of cameras, I find myself more and more lazy. Since my phone can take pics, not especially good ones and is always handy I have fallen a victim of using it not only f0r talking, but text-ing, SMS-ing, FB-reading, email-checking and recently picture-taking. Oh me oh my how we adjust during our lifetime.
  • When I was a little girl we did not even have a phone. We used the neighbors when we needed one and people called them and left messages. Party lines did not exist in Sweden as it did here in the states, and maybe still does. When using the phone one had to lift the receiver that hang on a pair of hooks on top of the black telephone box and then with the other hand start winding until the operator answered with "This is Visttrask" and then you told her the number or if you did not know it you just said who you wanted to talk to so she could connect you. Needless to say my town only had 500 households and only 1/3 of them had a telephone so it was not to hard for her to know who had what number. My neighbors number was 125, depending on the order when they got the phone hooked up. One of my friends had number 7 and I always was wondering who had number 1.
  • I wonder if anyone of my grandsons will make the same comparisons in about 60 years and what kind of devise they then will have.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hej Kamilla!
Det var verkligen kul att hora fran dig. Jag ar ingen anvandare av face-book eller stay-friends men jag skulle garna korrespondera per e-mail med dig om det ar ok. Min epostadress ar: Jag har kikat lite pa din blogg och sett dina fina bilder. Men om jag far din e-postadress kan jag skriva och beratta mer!
Hej fran Ann-Christine